NHS Contract Win

After recently completing a competitive tendering exercise MWGM have been successful in winning a contract with Community Health Partnerships.

Client Background

Community Health Partnerships (formerly Partnerships for Health) is a Department of Health (DoH) owned company in the United Kingdom. Its role is to set up public-private partnerships to invest in new healthcare facilities in England via the NHS Local Improvement Finance Trust (LIFT) programme.
The company was established in 2001 as Partnerships for Health (PfH), a joint venture between the DoH and Partnerships UK. In December 2006, the DoH acquired the full shareholding of PfH and it was renamed Community Health Partnerships in November 2007.
Its current portfolio is over 300 buildings which directly benefit the public by offering modern, well designed health care facilities. These range from NHS Foundation Trusts, GPs, Dentists, Pharmacies amongst others.


This new multi-site contract will help strengthen our presence in the north west London area, and we are looking forward to starting to work with CHP within the next few weeks.

WOW, what a busy few months!!!

It’s been a busy few months here at MWGM, having commenced new contracts, buying new vans and equipment, and employing new staff.


Bigger Coverage Area

  • Having won a significant new multi-site contract spanning from Lincolnshire down to Kent and across to Oxfordshire, this has further increased our coverage area across the South-East. Please have a look at our coverage map and get in touch if you are requiring an experienced grounds maintenance company to service your sites.

South Coast News

  • Success continues on the south coast having commenced new contracts with existing clients. This mix of commercial and residential sites are located around Bournemouth, Portsmouth, Southampton and Chichester. These new contracts have created an opportunity for an apprentice who will be working from our depot in Hampshire.

Environmental News

  • MWGM care about the environment and have trialled an electric works vehicle over the summer. Feedback from staff has been positive and internal studies have proven the environmental benefits, we have therefore placed an order for our first electric plug-in vehicle. The new member to our fleet will be charged from solar panels situated at our head office.

Keep an eye out for this new vehicle and it’s ‘eco’ livery.


Snow’s the Word

During December and over the Christmas  period, often at night, our teams were called upon to snow clear and grit our contract sites for the NHS, Police, Education and other commercial clients. With these clients being extremely happy with the service we provided, many have recommended us to other premises which has led to numerous enquiries and, in turn, new contracts. We have therefore invested in additional snow clearing equipment to complement existing machinery and have taken delivery of a compact tractor and ATV (all-terrain vehicle) that are able to get to areas quickly and effectively.

We have the equipment, resources, and experience to help ensure your site remains open and operational, 24/7. If your current gritting and snow clearing arrangement have not proven effective please contact for a quotation.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Everyone at Mark Walker (Grounds Maintenance) Ltd would like to wish all our clients a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

This Christmas we have chosen again to send electronic Christmas cards to customers and suppliers and donate the money typically spent to Willow Foundation and Cancer Research UK.

We will be closed from Thursday 21st  December and will return on Tuesday 2nd January. Access to emails will be limited in this time and we will respond on our return.



Lets eat Cake

MWGM held their first cake sale in aid of the Macmillan World’s Biggest Coffee Morning.

All cakes were home-baked by the team and included Rocky Road, Rhubard Crumble Cake, Lemon Drizzle, Banoffee and much more.

We raised an amazing £180.60 with the best baker badge going to Harrison for his gooey Chocolate Cookies.

As the £’s came in, the lb’s went on!


Garden SOS

MWGM recently received a call from one of our contracts regarding a resident who had become too frail to maintain her garden.

The resident’s garden had become overgrown and full of nettles, weeds and rubble to the point she could not access her pathway.

MWGM was only too happy to help in a time of need and sent a team to cut back and clear the area as a goodwill gesture.

Hightown’s Estate and Facilities Manager said:

“We were recently contacted by a tenant in respect of her private garden that she has been unable to tend to over recent months due to ill health. The tenant had no immediate family to assist her and so asked if we could in some way assist. Hightown’s Estates Quality Inspector for the Estate approached our current grounds maintenance contractor to establish if they could assist, Mark Walker did not hesitate in offering their services to cut back the garden, including the removal of debris and rubble free of charge as a goodwill gesture. The tenant was very appreciative of this and on completion of the work personally thanked the contractors and was moved to tears by the end result. We at Hightown would personally like to thank MW for this kind gesture which has made an enormous difference not only to the garden but to the tenant as well. This is further example of Mark Walker’s continued professionalism and excellent communication with our tenants.”



Mark Walker GM delivers a knockout service

This month MWGM supplied a van and necessary tools to St Albans Amateur Boxing Club to assist in the preparation of their grounds for their annual Awards and BBQ.

The works were carried out by one of our Operatives  Nathan,  who did an excellent job in cutting the grass and hedges in preparation.

As the Club relies on donations, Mark Walker GM was only too happy to assist in what we do best which was appreciated by John Murphy the President, Committee, Trustees and all the Coaching staff.

Blood, Sweat and Cheers!!!!

National Blood week was held between 19th-25th June and is aimed at getting more people to donate blood.  Last week, we asked all our staff if they would like to sign up to the blood and organ register. We are pleased to say that a large number of staff have registered as organ donors and have also booked appointments to give blood.

Kristian Melson, the companies Compliance Manager has also registered to give platelets every 2 weeks as they are in such short supply. Platelets are tiny blood cells that help your body form clots to stop bleeding so are very useful in cancer patients and after major traumas. Did you know a platelet donation can take up to 90 minutes?!

If you would like to register as an organ donor, please click here

To register to give blood or to book your next donation, please click here

ISO 9001

Mark Walker GM are pleased to announce that we have been certified to the new ISO 9001 (2015) standard. The new standard emphasises the need for structured risk management and understanding each customers needs and expectations. Being certified so soon after its launch shows a commitment from everyone in the company to delivering a quality service for all.

Merry Christmas!

Everyone at Mark Walker (Grounds Maintenance) Ltd would like to wish all our clients a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

We are shut from Thursday 22nd December and return on Tuesday 3rd January. Access to emails will be limited in this time and we will respond on our return.

For Christmas this year we chose to send electronic Christmas cards to customers and suppliers and donate the money typically spent to Help for Heroes and Cancer Research UK.